2024年 Nodejs 生态合集
2024年,nodejs 在 Javascript 运行时中仍然占据着霸主的地位。其丰富的生态系统是其他运行时无法比拟的。今天我们就来盘点下2024年当下 nodejs 的生态系统。
数据来源于 Nodejs Toolbox 网站,该网站展示了 Nodejs 生态系统中积极维护且流行的库。按照下载量进行排序。
Handle the authentication of users for web applications
Restrict user actions according to various access control patterns
Run code benchmarks in Node.js and analyze results
Browser Testing
Write automated tests that run in real-world browser environments
Build Systems
Manage codebases containing multiple distinct projects (Monorepos)
Bundle an application's source code into a single file. Mostly used for frontend apps to minimize network requests
Code Complexity
Analyze and visualize code complexity to help you refactor (legacy) codebases
Code Graphs
Generate a visual graph of your code's internal dependencies
Code Linters & Formatters
Format code and fix problems before shipping to production
Command Line Prompts
Create interactive command line tools by asking for user input
Command Line Styling
Create beautiful command line tools
Command Line Utilities
Use Node.js to create powerful command line applications
Configuration Management
Load environment variables and configure your applications
Content Management Systems
Create and manage content seamlessly using Node.js-based CMS solutions
CSV Parsers
Work with CSV files from Node.js
Date & Time
A more intuitive approach to dates and times than the standard library
Dependency Management
Review outdated dependencies and manually (or automatically) update them
Email Delivery
Send emails with ease from Node.js
Excel Spreadsheets
Parse and write excel spreadsheets in Node.js
File Uploads
Handle file uploads in Node.js applications
Full-stack Frameworks
Quickly develop full-stack applications with these batteries-included frameworks
HTML Scrapers
Easily find and extract the data you need from HTML
HTTP Clients
Send network requests and fetch data from external APIs
HTTP Frameworks
Minimalist frameworks based around HTTP verbs and routes
HTTP Mocking
Mock network requests and test modules in isolation
Image Processing
Resize, crop and convert images to various formats
Job Queues
Schedule and process CPU intensive tasks off the main thread
JSON Schema Validators
Use JSON Schema language to validate user input and anything else
JSON Web Token (JWT)
Sign and verify JWTs in Node.js
Log events to help you debug problems in your application
MongoDB Clients
MongoDB clients for Node.js
MySQL Clients
Node.js drivers for MySQL
Object-relational Mapping (ORM)
Map SQL database tables to JavaScript objects
Object Schema Validators
Simple and intuitive validation with object schemas
Package Publishing
Automate your package release workflow
Package to Executable
Package a Node.js application into a single executable file
PDF Generation
Generate PDF files with Node.js
PostgreSQL Clients
Interact with PostgreSQL databases from Node.js
QR Code Generation
Programmatically generate QR codes in Node.js
Query Builders
Write JavaScript to build SQL queries
Random Data Generation
Generate random data to test your application
Redis Clients
Redis clients for Node.js
Run tasks on a schedule
Shell Execution
Execute shell commands from Node.js
SQLite Clients
Node.js drivers for SQLite
Static Servers
Serve a statically generated site on localhost
Template Engines
Render dynamic HTML output
Test Frameworks
Frameworks to help you write automated tests
Web Scraping Frameworks
Crawl and scrape entire websites using Node.js